Customer Testimonials

 “Just wanted to thank you for Dad’s flowers. He is overwhelmed by them and almost in tears as they are so lovely. Thank you for the special effort.”


Much appreciated, Narelle

“My loved one has never been disappointed and Mel goes over and above to make sure the delivery is there on time and exceeds expectations”


Again many thanks, Nic

“Thanks again for my magnificent wedding flowers. I absolutely loved them, as did everyone else. The colours were just perfect! I will be recommending you to family & friends and I will be back to see you next time I need fabulous flowers. ”


Anissa & James

“Would like to thank you so very much for the flowers u have done for me… both sets were amazing… worth every penny knowing you go out of ur way to make them the best you can. Thank you!”



I just had to send a little note Mel, to say what a wonderful bunch of flowers that you went out of your way to send my wife last week. When I picked her up on Friday and saw them I was amazed – I’ve always had magnificent flowers off you – but this lot took the cake. I also wanted to say I love your new name – it’s very catchy. Good Luck with your new location, I wish you every success..



Thank you so much Mel for the beautiful flowers I received (at work) from my husband on the 31st Aug. everyone that has come over has gushed over them including myself. You did a wonderful job…


Thank you again, Katrina

“You are a wonder at what you do with flowers. I’ll never forget your thoughtfulness, ability and compassion when I call on you.”


Regards Col

“Thanks for the amazing beautiful flowers you present us every week! It is touching how much the reception has been lifted due to your work.”


Thanks, Megan

“I would like to say I was on the receiving end of one of your flower arrangements when I was unexpectedly admitted in to hospital last week, it was really beautiful, I received many compliments from patients, nursing staff and visitors. Thank you – it was lovely to open my eye’s after my operation to such a lovely arrangement.”


A Job Well Done – Janet

“Hi Mel, Just wanted to thank you again for your flowers, they were simply amazing and she loved them! Definitely will be back again soon…”


Cheers, David